Nashville Swim League has partnered with Swimmingly as the meet management program for all of our dual meets. The system is able to:
- Collect and ourganize entries & produce heat sheets
- Be the system of record for Starting, Timing, Officiating, and Scoring the meets
All meet functions will be run through the Swimmingly app.
To this end, NSL has gathered the following collection of resources for individuals to gain greater familiarity of the system for their individual roles. It is highly recommended that Coachec, Parent Reps., and Volunteers familiarize themselves with these functions in order to ensure a smooth & successful meet. Many of the pages have helpful tutorial videos.
SCOREKEEPERS: Scorekeeper Tutorial Video
The default scoring in the Swimmingly system is not the correct scoring for NSL for 2024. Scorekeepers MUST make this edit before the meet is started:
Individual Event Scoring: Scored 1st - 6th: 7-5-4-3-2-1
Relay Event Scoring: Scored 1st - 3rd: 14-10-8
TIMERS: Timer Tutorial Video
STROKE & TURN JUDGES: Stroke & Turn Tutorial Video
It is recommended that the Referee review all DQs prior to the Meet Results being marked as final.
STARTERS: Starter Tutorial Video